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Afghanistan After 2014 Part 1

The anthem of Afghanistan has the following lines: "This Land will shine forever – Like the sun in the blue sky / In the chest of Asia – It will remain as its heart forever." It is an exact description of this country's true position in the Middle East and Central Asia. Without a fundamental lasting peace...

Vladimir Karyakin

U.S. Aid to Afghanistan: "In the Name of Democracy"

Over the past 12 years the United States has expended huge financial resources and diplomatic endeavours to establish supply routes to landlocked Afghanistan. This undertaking had two main effects: it ensured that the ever-increasing number of foreign and local troops...

Henry Kamens

U.S. Role In Global Drug Trafficking Part 3

Working for the CIA is a difficult and dangerous business. One of the tasks the paladins of the Empire of Good are facing consists in regular searching, catching, shooting and hanging their former colleagues who entered the path of treason  – just as all other secret services do to their renegades...

Konstantin Penzev