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The Case of Dr. Vakhtang Maisaia: Today Georgia, Tomorrow Your Country

Miscarriages of justice occur everywhere. They are not the preserve of dictatorships or other forms of repressive regime. But the mark of a civilized society is what you do about them. If you actually want to...

Henry Kamens

Georgia: Someone Else’s Problem Strikes Again

When political crisis breaks out in certain countries we are told, “here we go again, it is always like that in those places”, as if there is some congenital fault in the people which makes them incapable of running their affairs. If desirable changes then occur...

Henry Kamens

“Poor Georgia”: Currency Wars and Intended Consequences

In any war, be it military or economic, there are casualties. If your currency is pegged to the dollar at the present time you are kind of in luck. If not, even if you're not "the enemy", you are going to fall victim to the Law of Unintended Consequences. When the present...

Henry Kamens