02.11.2017 Dmitry Bokarev

In November 2017, the Republic of Armenia (RA plans to sign an important treaty with the European Union. The document is known as the “Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement” (CEPA. In the view of its supporters, the expansion...

28.01.2017 Dmitry Bokarev

On December 21, 2016, tThe President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hassan Rouhani, visited the Republic of Armenia on December 21, 2016. During...

25.06.2016 Vladimir Platov

The tactics of employing non-governmental organizations (NGOs for the preparation of so-called “color revolutions” in North Africa, the Middle East and a number of former Soviet states has been the modus operandi of the US and...

10.04.2016 Jim Dean

“The Turks have passed by here; all is in ruins and mourning.“ - Victor Hugo, 1880, Balkan liberation wars. Just when Azerbaijan seemed ready for an all out assault on Nagorno-Karabakh the war train came to a screeching halt. Both sides quickly agreed...

20.01.2016 Henry Kamens

Things have been tense on the Nagorno-Karabakh frontline for a long time. Somehow, over the past few years, we have heard more and more of active hostilities, the deployment of heavy weaponry...

14.10.2015 Henry Kamens

The media does not pay much attention to sideshows. Decisions are made about what constitutes mainstream news, and that is all we get to hear. But those who have seen this happen often enough can identify from the stories we hear what the real story...

31.07.2015 Tony Cartalucci

Times are tough for America's "color revolution" industry. Perfected in Eastern Europe after the fall of the Soviet Union, and honed during the so-called "Arab Spring," the process of backing subversion in a targeted country and overthrowing a sitting government...

05.09.2014 Yuri Simonyan

Iran and Armenia will soon start negotiations on a free trade area (FTA. The initiative was suggested by Tehran when its official representative put forward the proposal a few days ago. How realistic is it that this project will...

12.08.2014 Seth Ferris

In an official statement, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has shared the “deep concern” expressed by the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group and other international partners about growing tensions, and acts of violence, along the...