Asian-Pacific region
13.10.2015 James ONeill

In January 1904 Sir Halford Mackinder, the director of the London School of Economics, presented a paper to the Royal Geographical Society. The paper was entitled “The Geographical Pivot of History.” In his presentation...

29.08.2015 James ONeill

On Hiroshima Day this year the recently retired Director-General of Australia’s premier spy agency, the Australian Security Intelligence Organization (ASIO, Mr David Irvine, addressed a meeting organized by the Griffith University (Brisbane Asia Institute...

07.07.2015 Vladimir Terehov

The complexity of the situation emerging in the Asia-Pacific Region is manifested in a contradictory interweaving of political and economic regional trends, the motivation of which is mainly based on the rapid emergence of China as one of the leading...

21.06.2015 James ONeill

The Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (TPP currently nearing its final stages of negotiation purports to be about increasing trade and economic co-operation among its twelve negotiating parties. These twelve countries include...

29.05.2015 James ONeill

Earlier this month on 13 May 2015 David Shear, the US Department of Defence Assistant Secretary for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs addressed the US Senate Foreign Relations committee. Mr Shear...

19.12.2014 Natalia Rogozhina

Responses to events in the Middle East have drifted all the way to Indonesia, and with such force that they have become a threat to national security. Indonesia, with a population of 250 million people, is the largest Muslim country and at the same time the youngest, judging...

15.11.2014 Christof Lehmann

Australia's Prime Minister Tony Abbott's promise to shirt front Putin over MAS MH17 turned out to be a bluff, and Abbott's rejection of the Chinese chartered Asia...

14.11.2014 Vladimir Terehov

The latest APEC forum, held from 5 to 11 November in Beijing, confirmed two related trends, which have been emerging for a long time in opposite directions. The first is the falling of APEC itself in the role of global political processes as a regional quasi-organization...

01.09.2014 Vladimir Terehov

Australia is rarely mentioned in European political science journals. It’s an exotic prosperous country, a paradise for tourists, located just on the opposite side of the globe – that’s what an average European recalls of this continent-state, and all this...

21.07.2014 Vladimir Terehov

The world’s largest naval exercises, Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC, are currently being held in the Pacific Ocean. They began on June 26 and will continue until August 1, 2014. This year they include 49 ships, 6 submarines, over 200 planes and 25,000 military personnel from...

17.04.2014 Vladimir Terehov

The international political and expert community is just beginning to awake from the shock raised by the situation in Crimea. Independent of further development of the Ukrainian crisis on the whole, the Crimean situation in itself deserves scrutiny at political, diplomatic, military...

01.02.2000 Dmitry Mosyakov
A historical perspective Russia at present is cooperating more and more closely with China: We have many things in common and high hopes for the future. Therefore, it would be advisable for us to know our partner well, including how…