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Trump’s Syrian Gambit Again Exposes Australian Foreign Policy Bankruptcy

The decision by US President Donald Trump to withdraw US troops from Syria clearly caught Australian political, military and intelligence leaders by surprise. Despite claims of former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull that Australia and the US were “joined at the hip”...

James ONeill

Australia Announces Moving its Embassy to Jerusalem: Is there any Surprise?

When the current Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison floated the idea that Australia might move its Israeli embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, it was widely suggested that this was an attempt to curry favour with the relatively large (12% Jewish population in...

James ONeill

Australia’s Regional Play

On a very relative scale, Australia can be grouped into the ‘second or third’ level players in terms of significance in the political game unfolding in the Indo-Pacific region. This group could also include Pakistan, Iran, and South Korea. And the main players are undoubtedly the United States...

Vladimir Terehov