09.09.2022 Vladimir Terehov

Three and a half months after the change of government in Australia, a country of considerable geopolitical significance in the Indo-Pacific region, the developments in its foreign policy can be fairly accurately summarized, in the words of the above headline, as “no change.” That is despite the attempts (which, in reality...

19.08.2022 Petr Konovalov

The process of reinforcement of relations between Canberra and New Delhi has been observed since 2009, when representatives of the two countries adopted a Declaration on Security Cooperation, according to which India and Australia act together on issues related to combating terrorism, ensuring regional security...

17.08.2022 Petr Konovalov

On August 2, 2022, a scandal occurred in the Senate of Australia – the upper house of parliament. One of its members, a representative of the Green Party Lidia Thorpe during her taking the oath of office as a senator called the British Queen Elizabeth II, who is the formal head of Australia, a colonizer. President of the Senate Sue...

20.06.2022 Petr Konovalov

In 1952, Elizabeth II became Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as well as the head of the Commonwealth of Nations, the 54 members of which include Australia. On June 2, 2022, large-scale celebrations dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the coronation of Elizabeth II were held in the UK. And Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese paid his...

17.06.2022 Seth Ferris

When people talk about Asia, they do not generally mean Australia. After all, it is the largest part of a theoretically separate continent, Oceania, and its people are white and British in origin for the most part. However Oceania is a cultural term as much as anything. It refers to places where there a mix of native Polynesians and white European settlers, and English...

24.05.2022 James ONeill

Australia held a general election last Saturday, 21 May. The governing Liberal National party coalition was heavily defeated. It will be replaced by the Labor government which at the time of writing did not hold a majority of the seats in Parliament. In fact, the victorious Labor Party managed to win less than one third of the popular vote. The real...

11.05.2022 James ONeill

In less than two weeks’ time, on Saturday 20th May the Australian electorate goes to the polls to select a new government. If the opinion polls are correct, it should be a victory for the Labor Party which last held power in 2013. There are however, a number of uncertainties in the polls. The first is the rise of independent...

08.05.2022 Petr Konovalov

For many centuries, the Cossacks have been one of the symbols of Russia and a reliable pillar of the Tsar’s power. During the Russian Civil War (1917-1923), most of the Cossacks supported the White Movement, whose defeat brought the old ways to an end. Supporters of the previous government were forced to either change their political...

16.03.2022 James ONeill

The Australian mainstream media continues its misreporting of the ongoing war in Ukraine. The latest example, also repeated on the ABC and SBS television outlets, was the bombing of a hospital in Mariupol. This was presented to the viewing public as an unprovoked and reckless Russian attack on a hospital, filled with pregnant women waiting to give birth...

16.03.2022 Dmitry Bokarev

As might be expected, after the start of the Ukrainian special operation by Russian troops, Russia was hit by international sanctions, primarily from the West. Of course, permanent members of the “collective West” such as Australia and New Zealand have joined these sanctions. This is not surprising - as former British colonies, they are an indispensable part of the Anglosphere...

01.02.2022 James ONeill

Australia will hold a general election no later than May of this year. According to the opinion polls, it should be a victory for the Labor Party. They have consistently held a lead over the governing coalition of Liberal and National party members for a considerable period of time, the last opinion poll published less than one week ago showing them with a commanding 10-point...

06.01.2022 James ONeill

Australia recently cancelled its order for eight French built submarines. The cancellation was incredibly badly handled with the French being kept in the dark about the decision until long after it had been taken. The problem was compounded by the Defence and Foreign Ministers being in communication with the French after the cancellation...