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US Pressure on China; The Thai Connection

The change of guard in the American White House has proved that nothing has changed from the Trump regime with respect to US foreign policy. President Biden and his party continue the American propaganda attacks on Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba and other nations that try to march to their own tune, and will continue preparations for aggressive actions focused…

Christopher Black

Thai Protests Aimed at Thai-Chinese Relations

Thailand has for months faced anti-government protests. While portrayed by the Western media as organic, self-organized, and "pro-democratic," US government-funding and the protest leaders themselves openly aligning with US-funded opposition groups in Hong Kong and Taiwan have revealed the ongoing unrest as aimed at China. The US seeks to complicate...

Brian Berletic

China's High-Speed Rail Reaches into Southeast Asia

There is a significant reason why political unrest fueled by US interference is flaring up across Southeast Asia - an attempt at derailing Beijing's ambitious One Belt, One Road (OBOR initiative. When completed, it will cement not only China's regional rise, but permanently replace the United States as Asia's largest and most influential power...

Tony Cartalucci