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Russia and China in Kazakhstan: Balance of Power

When visiting Kazakhstan in 2013, Chinese leader Xi Jinping talked about the New Silk Road project (NSR envisioning it running across the entire Central Asia, making it not only the longest, but also the most lucrative transport route connecting...

Dmitry Bokarev

Georgia Trafficks Weapons, and I Have the Documents, Claims Former Georgian Colonel

All governments are corrupt and to many, corruption is endemic to their function. Sadly, Georgia may well fall into this group. However, given Georgia’s strategic position, wars and...

Henry Kamens

The Mysterious Letter: Is Washington Plotting Against Xi Jinping?

On March 4th, a short, anonymous letter was posted on the internet. In a few paragraphs, the letter raised the same criticism of Chinese President Xi Jinping that is constantly raised in the western press: accusing him of “centralizing...

Caleb Maupin