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Who is Going to Pay the "Libyan Bill"?

Half a decade ago the United States along with NATO embarked on a quest to destroy Libya. On March 17, 2011 at the request of US President Barack Obama, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 1973 that allowed the so-called Western coalition tо...

Martin Berger

Yemen: A Desperation Saudi Genocide Backed by Obama

The Wall Street Journal is the perfect example of a state and corporate controlled counter-information service. A report recently attempts to characterize the Saudi war on the Yemeni people as having little to do with oil. Nothing my friends, nothing...

Phil Butler

Turkey-Azerbaijan Alliance Destabilizes the Situation in the Region

The breakdown of Turkey’s aggressive plans directed against Syria, Ankara’s fault in the strong aggravation of the Russian-Turkish relations, the complication of Turkey’s domestic security issues and its...

Stanislav Ivanov