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Armenia Confirms Russia Mediated Ceasefire

“The Turks have passed by here; all is in ruins and mourning.“ - Victor Hugo, 1880, Balkan liberation wars. Just when Azerbaijan seemed ready for an all out assault on Nagorno-Karabakh the war train came to a screeching halt. Both sides quickly agreed...

Jim Dean

North Korea on the Verge of Another Famine?

The residents of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea are being warned the country will soon be struck by a famine as severe as the one they experienced in the 1990s. That period in the history of North Korean is known as "the Arduous...

Konstantin Asmolov

Pornhub with Notable Female Politicians Goes Viral in Georgia

The latest political scandal to hit Georgia tells us a lot about life in developing countries allied with the US. A lot of senior politicians are implicated in it. But the question being asked is not, “Who did what to whom?” but...

Henry Kamens