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Putin Plays Energy Chess with Netanyahu

On April 21 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu flew to Moscow for closed door talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The media reported that the talks were over the situation in Syria, a theme where Moscow...

F. William Engdahl

Turkey’s “Safe Zone” Politics is Not Over Yet

While the conflict and conflict resolution in Syria is largely beyond the question of Balkanizing it into “zones”, Turkey’s “Sultan” continues to harp on the need to create “safe zones” in Syria as a means to “protect” refugees. While this is what...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

US Meddling in Thailand Boosts Bangkok-Moscow Ties

The so-called "Pivot to Asia" serving as the current underpinning of American foreign policy in Asia has been repeatedly exposed as a continuation of a decades-old cynical region-wide US gambit to encircle and contain China while...

Tony Cartalucci