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Insulting the Prez: Tayyip Erdoğan, Satire and Islamophobia

At the outset of the 21st century, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan created a new political project in Turkey, namely the Justice and Development Party (or AKP that set out as defining itself as a Muslim-Democrat entity similar to the many Christian-Democrat...

Can Erimtan

North Korea’s Fifth Nuclear Test Coming Soon?

Following the North Korea’s fourth nuclear test, the virtual dust had hardly settled, before South Korean experts began to talk about the eminence of the fifth. Yet, the few dates, which South Korea had set for the North Korean nuclear fireworks...

Konstantin Asmolov

Inauguration of Tsai Ing-wen as president of Taiwan

A difficult situation that has been developing in East Asia in recent months was further complicated by a significant dose of uncertainty added as a result of the suspense over the first steps of Taiwan’s new president, Tsai Ing-wen, and...

Vladimir Terehov