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Turkey’s ‘Kurdish Agony’

While the current phase of the conflict in Syria has consumed numerous lives, it also has enabled the Kurds, who are scattered in the Middle East, to raise their political significance to a level hitherto untouched since the notorious Sykes-Picot...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

US President Visits Vietnam

Last Monday, May 23, US President Barack Obama set off on his five-day trip to Asia, the tenth trip to this region in his eight-year presidency. He spent the first three days in Vietnam. The agenda of the second part of the trip consisted of...

Vladimir Terehov

The Panama Papers around the World: John Doe and the Expendables

Far from rocking the world to its foundations, the Panama Papers have so far been unable to create a popular movement that would bring about real change, real change in the world of finance or in the world of politics...

Can Erimtan