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Whitewashing Libya: House Report on Benghazi Reveals Nothing, Hides Everything

The Republican dominated House Select Committee on Benghazi has released its long awaited final report on the 2012 Benghazi attack which killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others. And, surprise, the report...

Eric Draitser

South Korean Anti-Corruption Law Comes into Force

The Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission of Korea announced the entry into force of the anti-corruption law, also known as the Kim Young-ran Law, named after the former chairman of the commission, who proposed the bill as...

Konstantin Asmolov

Where Is North Korea Heading and Can the Strategic Deadlock be Overcome?

North Korea once again was on a brink of a war, and it once again managed to pull back out of it. While another escalation of the situation on the Korean Peninsula is subsiding, the global community is wondering what...

Konstantin Asmolov