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Another US Foreign Policy Triumph: Syrian Rebels Behead Innocent Child

The world was shocked this week after a horrific video surfaced showing a US-backed rebel group in Syria beheading a 12-year-old Palestinian boy, in yet another example of how...

Steven MacMillan

THAAD and the Development of the China-Korea Relations

Our previous article, which was devoted to China-North Korea relations, dealt with the possibility of a new round of rapprochement between both states, and the interference of the decision with its strategic interests on...

Konstantin Asmolov

What is Fethullah Gülen?

Since the failed coup attempt in Turkey of July 15 there has been much speculation in western media that it in fact was all engineered by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to provide him with the pretext to impose emergency rule and to...

F. William Engdahl