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China and the Butterfly Effect

Sometimes small victories or positive actions are almost as important as major international ones as they can give a new quality of impulse to many related developments, what physicists call the "butterfly effect." To be more precise, a butterfly effect says that "a small...

F. William Engdahl

The US "Lame Duck" and its Vain Attempts Regarding Syria

Under heavy pressure from the USA, the UN General Assembly has adopted a recommendation to stop the hostilities in Syria. It was amusing to observe the hyper-activity of the members of the US delegation to the UN, who, without...

Viktor Mikhin

Mongolia Capitulates to China

On December 20, 2016, the Chinese News Agency Xinhua released a statement by Munkh-Orgil Tsend, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Mongolia, according to which the 14th Dalai Lama is prohibited from entering the country ever again even...
Vladimir Terehov