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The US and Iran All Ready to Lock Horns Over the Nuke-deal

With the new US president assuming his post in the White House, the controversy over the US-Iran nuke deal has taken a dramatic turn. The first episode that clearly showed this turn came in the month of November, soon after...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

News on South Korea’s Domestic Policy: the Saenuri Party Split

The breaking news at the end of last year concerned the split in the conservative wing. As a reminder, on December 20, 2016, former leader of the ruling Saenuri Party, Kim Moo-sung, and former leader of the parliamentary faction...

Konstantin Asmolov

South Korea in the Center of the Acute Situation in Northeast Asia (NEA)

The beginning of 2017 was marked by the aggravation of the situation in Northeast Asia. And this time the Republic of Korea (ROK was in the center of this negative trend...

Vladimir Terehov