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How Japan Percieves the Aftermath of Trump's Inauguration

It's hardly a secret for international analysts that the ceremony of Donald Trump's inauguration, just like his first steps in the new capacity have been carefully observed by the geopolitical opponents of the dominant world power...

Vladimir Terehov

Peace Talks in Astana — a Major Factor in the Syrian Settlement

On Monday, the capital of Kazakhstan witnessed a new round of Syrian peace talks that was initiated by Russia. In sharp contrast with the meetings that were organized by the United Nations in Geneva, in Astana, it was...

Martin Berger

THAAD: Chinese Response and Talks at the Background of Impeachment

The end of 2016 was marked by a number of events related to the future deployment of THAAD missile defence systems in South Korea. The main thing is that, despite the claims by Seoul that the antimissile systems shall be...

Konstantin Asmolov