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US War on Islamic State Designed to Fail

Any US general providing candid views on fighting and winning a war admit the impossibility of victory as long as the source of an enemy's fighting capacity remains intact. In fact, as an excuse for why the US is still struggling...

Ulson Gunnar

Why Can’t Syria Be Left in Peace Finally?

The thing about regime change and proxy wars is that sovereign peoples always take a back seat to the mighty colonialists. Syria is a prime example of a stable and prosperous nation ruined and mowed under by outside forces bent on...

Phil Butler

On the Murder of Kim Jong-un’s Older Brother in Malaysia

Kim Jong-nam, the 46-year old son of Kim Jong-il from his first (civilian wife, actress Song Hye-rim, and the consanguine older brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, was killed on February 13, 2017 at the Kuala-Lumpur...

Konstantin Asmolov