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Japan's Shifting Position on the Nuclear Disarmament Prospects

At the end of the last month, the UN Headquarters in the city of New York witnessed the first session of the International Conference that was aimed at drafting a comprehensive plan that would allow the international community to...

Vladimir Terehov

Thailand: Crushing Localism Threatens National, Regional Stability

Street vendors of all kinds are facing a complete ban of their livelihood across Bangkok, the capital of Southeast Asia's Thailand. While it may appear to be a minor move falling in line with many other nations within the "developed...

Tony Cartalucci

Tillerson’s Vague Plan for Syria has Serious Flaws

While we did get a hint about Trump’s new strategy for Syria when the US decided, only a few weeks ago, to send more troops to Syria, no clear cut objectives were laid out at that time. However, it is quite obvious that the US is...

Salman Rafi Sheikh