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US Media & The Terrorists Who Cried Wolf

Right-wing, anti-Iranian figures and media in the United States have begun circulating claims that Iran had violated the JCPOA that resulted from the P5+1 nuclear negotiations, and indeed has a nuclear weapons program. Various...

Caleb Maupin

The Pope in Egypt

The visit of Pope Francis to Egypt on April 28-29, 2017 (previously, the Pope visited the Middle East three years ago – Jordan, Palestine, and Israel in 2014 could have become historical had it not been for the conflict surrounding the DPRK...

Maxim Egorov

Washington's Chaoskeeping in Syria

What is the US up to in Syria? - This question is not simply bugging the Arab world, as the whole international community has been trying to find an answer to this puzzle. This matter became...

Martin Berger