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Economic Problems of US-South Korean Relations

As we have previously noted concerning the problem of “payment for the THAAD”, along with this demand, the US president announced plans for revising the free trade agreement with South Korea, calling its provisions “awful”...

Konstantin Asmolov

One Belt, One Road Project is Making the World a Safer Place

The extremely ambitious Chinese project known as One Belt, One Road is becoming a reality with every passing day. As you must know, the project is designed to create a web of transport routes all across Eurasia to allow faster...

Dmitry Bokarev

Lebanon – Hedonism and War

Palestinian refugee camps are up in flames, across the country, a result of the disputes between the rival factions, but also of ‘unsavory’ influences from abroad. As everyone knows here, there are, for instance, the Al Qaida-affiliated...

Andre Vltchek