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Last to Die in Afghanistan: US Marines Back to Helmand

Some 300 US Marines are once again being deployed to Helmand province, Afghanistan after upward to 20,000 US Marines had spent between 2009-2014 attempting, but clearly failing to secure...

Ulson Gunnar

'Global Energy Association': the New Chinese Mega-project

Eurasian economic integration is one of the important goals that Russia and China are striving for. By combining their economies, the countries of Eurasia will be able to turn their region into the most powerful player on...

Dmitry Bokarev

ASEAN Holds 30th Summit in Manila

On April 28-29 this year, ASEAN, a regional association comprising 10 countries of Southeast Asia, held its 30th summit in Manila, capital city of the Philippines. For a much more amorphous organization than the EU, with no...

Vladimir Terehov