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Malaysia Prostrates Itself In Front Of The US

The headlines of virtually all the Malaysian newspapers have been screaming loudly and euphorically, since the ‘historic visit’ of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to the US, where he met President Donald Trump. They were ‘celebrating...

Andre Vltchek

The Cold War Blows Hot and Cold

Stability is when the U.K. and U.S. invade a country and impose the regime of their choice - Noam Chomsky. Old Intel hands are seeing a pattern emerging where, when one conflict is winding down, a new one is cranking up. It is almost like...

Jim Dean

India in Search of Alternatives to OBOR

As is well known, India is the main competitor of China in Asia. This has recently been most evident in the way India has related to the Chinese One Belt and One Road Initiative. Realizing the importance of international transport corridors for economic development and maintaining...

Dmitry Bokarev