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Anti-US United Nations Resolution as Seen From The Middle East

The Lebanese daily newspaper Al Akhbar is convinced that the outrage that has been accumulating in the region in the face of the increasingly dismissive policies pursued by the Trump administration has finally broken through. This outrage manifested itself in the reluctance of...

Yuriy Zinin

Iraq's Kurdish Problem Leaves the US No Way Out

The latest developments in Iraq have put the US in another dilemma. It wants out of that country, but can't actually leave because everything which is going on there is the product its own US foreign policy. It is affected by everything that goes on there, it can't just walk...

Seth Ferris

Western Media Consumed by Myanmar Monster of Own Creation

Years ago, those confronting and questioning the Western media's "pro-democracy" narrative regarding Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, her National League for Democracy (NLD political...

Tony Cartalucci