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Is India Turning Towards China?

The “New Eastern Outlook” seeks not to let out of sight any significant events in the system of China-India relations. Together with the United States, Japan and Russia, both Asian giants have a decisive influence on the development of the situation in the India-Pacific Region, on which the shaping...

Vladimir Terehov

Is Taiwan Becoming a New Korea?

Unfortunately, but this author’s presentiment regarding the situation around Taiwan seems to come true. It is very likely that in the chain of “underwater volcanoes” stretching from the Korean peninsula to the eastern entrance to the Strait of Malacca and undermining the whole system of relations between the two leading world powers (the US and China) from time to time, the Taiwan political “volcano” is awakening...

Vladimir Terehov

Europe’s Guns & Hypocrisy Roar Loud in Yemen

While the European Union, every now and then, continues to express its ‘anger’ over the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria, even more evident is the conspicuous absence of likewise criticism in EU of the atrocities being committed in…
Salman Rafi Sheikh