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How Come Washington Became so Wrapped Up in Central Asia

Central Asia has traditionally been re- garded by Washington as "Russia's soft underbelly", since it's a common belief within American think tanks that by establishing control over this region the US will be capable of subjecting the whole of Eurasia to its will, which means that...

Grete Mautner

US-Saudis Enlist Al Qaeda For Yemen War

Associated Press has revealed that the US-backed, Saudi-led war against Yemen includes the use of Al Qaeda as a mercenary force against Houthi rebels. This confirms as fact what was widely dismissed by Western politicians and a complicit Western media…
Tony Cartalucci

Does ISIS Still Represent a Major Threat

Back in the days of Trump’s 2016 election campaign the US president made a pledge to his supporters in Connecticut, promising that under his command the Pentagon would defeat ISIS “very, very quickly.” Back then there was a lot of...

Martin Berger