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US-British Neo-Imperialism and its Modern Day ‘Missionaries’

The worst sort of deception is that perpetrated by those who pose as defending the most vulnerable when in reality, are leveraging their circumstances, exploiting their suffering, and in many cases, playing a direct role in perpetuating both. This is…
Tony Cartalucci

They Come Like a Thief in the Night, America’s Secret Army

News reports from journalists embedded with American troops serving in Syria and Iraq are enlightening. They tell a daily story of operations, life behind the lines and the real story of America’s controversial mission that many believe is not only illegal and fully in support of...

Gordon Duff

Bizarre Israeli Analyses of Syrian Curriculum Circulate in the Middle East

My friend, a senior UN official based in Amman, Jordan, recently received a newsletter from an Israeli institution – “IMPACT-se”. Their report was called, ‘modestly’, “Reformulating School Textbooks During the Civil War”. It is full of analyses of the Syrian curriculum. Interesting stuff, without any doubt...

Andre Vltchek