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The Deep State’s “Soft War” on Russia and Turkey

On September 18, 2018, Russia and Turkey announced an agreement intended to prevent a humanitarian disaster in Idlib Province, an area of Syria adjacent to Turkey, an area ruled by “rebels.” Some aspects of the pact are clear, a demilitarized zone to be policed by Russia and...

Gordon Duff

The Saudi Inquisition - Authorities Move to Outlaw Shia Islam

Back in 2017 a report by Human Rights Watch warned against Saudi Arabia’s propensity to play up sectarianism as a valid expression of its state policy. “Saudi clerics, including those holding official positions, have ‘vigorously employed’ modern tools...

Catherine Shakdam

Strengthening the Partnership between Mongolia, Russia and China

As readers will remember, in their third meeting, which took place during the 16th summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation in 2016, the presidents of Russia, China and Mongolia signed an official inter-governmental agreement...

Mark Goleman