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Who Is Responsible for the WannaCry Virus?

On June 8 2018 the FBI put Park Jin Hyok, a North Korean citizen, on its Wanted list and issued an order for his arrest. He is accused of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and computer fraud. According to the investigators, Park studied at the Kim Chaek University of Technology in...

Konstantin Asmolov

What Does the Supply of S-300 Systems to Syria Mean?

The accidental downing of a Russian military plane by the Syrian air defence system is no longer accidental because of the fact the Russian authorities believe that the incident occurred due to the activity of a third party, Israel. The…
Salman Rafi Sheikh

On Some of the Aftermath of U.S. – India "2+2" Talks

As September 6, the date of the first ever 2+2 ministerial dialogue between the U.S. and India (with the participation of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defense of both countries slowly recedes into the past, its importance for the overall development of the situation in...

Vladimir Terehov