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Historic Speech in Shanghai: Xi Jinping Upholds Historical Progress

Belief in historical progress was once abundant in the western world. In fact, some of the uglier crimes of western colonialism were justified in the name of progress. Colonizers and imperialists often claimed to be more advanced than those they repressed and brutalized...

Caleb Maupin

Washington's New Strategy for Syria

At this point it's hardly worth arguing that the Syrian conflict has entered endgame, as this fact seems pretty obvious at this point. Yet, even after exhausting all of its options the United States chose to double down on its Syrian intervention. This serves as a clear indication that...

Martin Berger

Filming in the Most Depressing City on Earth - Jakarta

It stinks, it is the most polluted city on earth, but that is not the most terrible thing about it. You can drive for ten or even twenty kilometers through it, and see only ugliness, fences and broken pavements. But there are many miserable cities on this planet, and I have worked in almost all of them, in 160 countries. So why is ‘Jakarta killing me’, why am I overwhelmed...

Andre Vltchek