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In Syria the Entire Nation Mobilized, and Won

Yes, there is rubble, in fact total destruction, in some of the neighborhoods of Homs, Aleppo, in the outskirts of Damascus, and elsewhere. Yes, there are terrorists and ‘foreign forces’ in Idlib and in several smaller pockets in some parts of the country. Yes, hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives and millions are either in exile...

Andre Vltchek

Results of Local Elections in Taiwan

We have noted on more than one occasion the growing prominence of Taiwan in all the aspects of the relationship between the two world powers. Hence, Beijing and Washington observed the local elections, which took place on the island on 24 November, with great interest. It is worth noting that, on the same...

Vladimir Terehov

US Has Little to Offer Southeast Asia

Any productive relationship between two nations must include mutual benefits for both. A proposed alliance that includes no incentive for a partner nation cannot otherwise move forward save for threats and coercion. The United States and its "pivot toward Asia" is an ongoing...

Joseph Thomas