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Case of Ko Hyon-chol and Other Unsavory Tales of Sexual Abuse in South Korea

Once the story criticizing a report on mass-rape in DPRK was published, its author has faced with a fierce backlash. Many people were unwilling to believe that by “presenting notorious stories not as exceptions but as examples of daily tactics, and by then employing a similar…

Konstantin Asmolov

Why is Japan so Bitter About Unstoppable Rise of China?

There used to be a pair of beautiful swings for children, not far from an old rural temple in Mie Prefecture, where I used to frequently powerwalk, when searching for inspiration for my novels. Two years ago, I noticed that the swings had gotten rusty, abandoned, and unkempt. Yesterday...

Andre Vltchek

Syria: Why the Reluctant Withdrawal?

TR56456222In an apparent about-turn, the Trump administration is re-thinking its decision to rapidly withdraw from Syria in order to, what its officials have said, ensure that the ISIS is completely destroyed and that the Turks don’t attack Syrian Kurds. While it is completely erroneous to see…

Salman Rafi Sheikh