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Two Rounds of US-China Talks are Behind Us. What’s Next?

An important event for international policy in 2019 has been held; two rounds of talks (between 7 and 9 January in Beijing, and between 30 and 31 January in Washington dealt with the major challenge currently affecting relations between the two leading world powers, which is...

Vladimir Terehov

Saudi Arabia and the US – a Partnership between the Hedgehog and the Snake

Saudi Arabia at the beginning of this year is experiencing a number of fairly serious crises, above all in the political, economic and financial areas. There is the ongoing fallout from the scandalous, and still unresolved, murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi...

Viktor Mikhin

Results of the First Round of Talks Between the USA and the Taliban

January 2019 saw the conclusion of the first round of talks between the USA and the Taliban, which took place in Qatar. The Afghan Taliban and the official representatives of the USA reached preliminary agreement on three key issues: the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan...

Natalya Zamarayeva