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City of Xi’an and Why the New Chinese Silk Road Terrifies the West?

Snow is falling on the wide sidewalks of the historic city of Xi’an, but people don’t seem to be troubled by the bitter cold. One of the oldest cities in China, Xi’an, is now vibrant, optimistic and stunningly beautiful. Sidewalks are paved with expensive stones and have more...

Andre Vltchek

“Arab NATO” Explodes on Takeoff

It hasn't gone unnoticed by the majority of geopolitical analysts that the Trump administration has been promoting the idea of a Middle Eastern military alliance rather aggressively. The so-called Middle East Strategic Alliance (MESA that is being more commonly referred to as the “Arab NATO”...

Martin Berger

Syria and the Road to Return to the Ranks of the Arabs

Two themes have recently attracted the attention of media and social networks in the Middle East. The first is the trend towards a gradual restoration of Arab relations with the Syrian government. The second is the role of Russia in the region. The first is indicated by the resumption of the work of the UAE and Bahrain diplomatic missions in Damascus...

Yuriy Zinin