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OBOR Initiative: Critics and New Members

The second BRF-2019 Summit in Beijing became a landmark event that marked achievements of this infrastructure project, which, in 2016, changed its former name One Belt, One Road (OBOR to Belt Road Initiative (BRI. The word 'Belt' refers to land routes, while 'Road' to maritime routes, the words "one, one" were removed from...

Nina Lebedeva

Gay Pride Weaponized by CIA in Georgia

Who said religion and politics don’t mix? Religion is one of the failsafe of any politician – lie and cheat and abuse people, and if you say that your actions are motivated by religion, everything will be forgiven. Trump was even sent to us to save Israel! Religious groups themselves are happy to indulge the worst kinds of...

Henry Kamens

Latest Preparatory Events for G20 Summit

The author would like to begin yet another article about the upcoming G20 forum (for 20 leading global economies, to be held on 28-29 June in Osaka, by restating a viewpoint that is crucial for him. Today, the Summit is practically the only international platform where global challenges that threaten humanity's very existence...

Vladimir Terehov