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S-400 Undermines the Global Military Cabal

A great number of analysts these days would draw attention to the decision that both India and Turkey took to proceed with the purchase of Russia’s state of the art S-400 anti-air systems in spite of unparalleled political pressure Washington applied on both Ankara and New Delhi. Essentially, this decision represents a turning...

Jean Perier

The “Deal of the Century” to Undermine the Palestinians’ Legitimate Rights

Peace for Prosperity, the so-called international conference promoted, with great fanfare, by Washington, and the personal brainchild of Senior Presidential Adviser Jared Kushner, started rather ingloriously in Bahrain, and has concluded without any results. According to its...

Viktor Mikhin

Iran vs. Spineless Europe

Iran announced the second step in reducing her commitment under the 2015 so-called Nuclear Deal, officially known as The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA, by exceeding the limit set by agreement of 3.67% uranium enrichment and 300 kg of enriched uranium accumulation. When asked by the media about his reaction, Trump says, “they know what they...

Peter Koenig