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India is Confused; Where does It Go from Here?

At J. Nehru University, most students know about China and Russia only from the BBC, Reuters and other Western media outlets. Even those individuals who claim they belong to the left are not immune; influenced mainly by the British propaganda. It has been like this for years: usual confusion, all around India: tough nationalistic, even chauvinistic rhetoric...

Andre Vltchek

The Scramble of October 2019, a New World

Two weeks into the Turkish offensive against the Kurds in Syria and everything is changing. Whatever the case, Syria is back, as the Syrian Arab Army races toward the Turkish border, at least in those areas where Turkey isn’t already engaged in intense combat with Kurdish forces. Then, on October 16, Erdogan announced he would refuse to meet...

Gordon Duff

Huawei Moving on Without Google?

Huawei's flagship smartphone, the Mate 30 and Mate 30 Pro, launched without Google products being available on it due to US restrictions against Chinese companies (and specifically against Huawei itself. Contrary to what many have speculated, Huawei has not developed its "own operating system" for its phones but is instead simply using an open...

Ulson Gunnar