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Attorney General Mandelblit Bombs Bibi with Three Charges

Benny Gantz turned in his mandate to President Reuven Rivlin four hours early to get the press interviews over and go to bed early Wednesday night, but little did he know what the morning would bring. As expected, both Bibi and Benny blamed each other’s inflexibility for the failure to form a new government. The only way we will know for sure...

Jim Dean

Latest Negotiations on Issues of Trade between USA and PRC

From 10 to 11 October, the 13th round of negotiations on issues currently plaguing the bilateral trade and economic ties between the United States and China took place in Washington. The Chinese delegation was headed by Liu He, the Vice-Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China and a current member...

Vladimir Terehov

How the US is Losing Itself out in the ASEAN

While the US continues to target China for its assertive policies in the South China Sea, the US still continues to lose itself out in the ASEAN region. This is a result not so much of the way the Chinese are expanding their political and economic reach, but mainly an outcome of the US’ own handling of the region and its failure to meet the ASEAN countries...

Salman Rafi Sheikh