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US Intensifies Struggle Over Central Asia

The rich natural resources of Central Asia have long been stirring the appetite of foreign nations, especially the US, which has recently intensified its activity in the region. Washington’s primary goal is to sideline Russia, as well as China, its main rival, in order to secure a monopoly in Central Asia, not only over the economic...

Vladimir Platov

British "Liberators" are in Fact War Criminals

The bloody wounds UK has inflicted around the world through its all too often vile foreign policy are still raw. This can not only be said of colonial-era foreign policy, but also of Britain’s contemporary foreign policy. British troops have remained committed to the principles of colonial occupation. It was after the turn of the millennium...

Valery Kulikov

India’s 2019 Legislative Season

India’s 2019 legislative season is nearly finished. And it has been fruitful on account of lawmakers’ fairly controversial activities. In fact, it is not the entire year but the second half we are referring to here. Various political forces within India itself and in other countries have described the resulting legislature in polar opposite ways...

Vladimir Terehov