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US-Israel Predictably Behind Turkish Aggression in Syria

Turkey's ongoing fighting in northern Syria's Idlib governorate was - from the beginning of recent escalations - clearly a continuation of Washington's wider now 9 year-long proxy war against Damascus. Whatever gains Turkey had made in terms of reducing its role in Washington's proxy war and repairing ties with Syria's allies Russia and Iran - were clearly...

Tony Cartalucci

Trump-Modi Bonhomie: Mostly Showmanship, Little Action!

President Donald Trump’s visit to India on February 24—the eighth of any US president—is being lauded by India’s domestic media as the greatest ever. This may be an exaggeration, but it did produce a series of arms deals and co-operation agreements in nuclear and conventional energy. What was missing however was any large or transformative agreement...

Henry Kamens

US-Taliban Agreement and Regional Tensions

There seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel for the US in its struggle against the ‘Afghan Trap.’ This light emanates from the agreement signed on February 29 in Doha, the capital of Qatar, between US representatives and the Taliban movement (banned in Russia. Russia’s role is quite notable here. It contributed to the preparation and signing of this treaty, which was...

Vladimir Terehov