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Oil Profits for Protection: US Extorts Saudi Arabia

Legislation circulating in the US Congress threatens to withdraw military support from Saudi Arabia. This is not because Saudi Arabia is an absolute dictatorship which still severs heads off in public. It is not because Saudi Arabia arms and funds some of the worst terrorist organizations on Earth - including Al Qaeda, its Syrian franchise Tahrir al-Sham - previously known...

Tony Cartalucci

COVID-19 Pandemic and PRC’s Global Plans

There is not a single area of world politics or economy that the COVID-19 pandemic, which started at the end of 2019, has not had an effect on either directly or indirectly. Unsurprisingly, the outbreak has had an impact on China’s global development strategy Belt and Road Initiative (BRI. The aim of the project is to extend, bifurcate and then unite key transportation...

Dmitry Bokarev

Middle East: How is the UAE Changing Its Geo-Political Game?

Whereas the leaders of both Saudi Arabia and the UAE, popularly known as MBS and MBZ respectively, have a number of reasons to stay united and support each other, inter-state relations are never static, with critical differences between them emerging at every turn even when state interests converge deeply...

Salman Rafi Sheikh