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What does the Future Hold for China’s Belt and Road Initiative?

The world has become all jumbled under the eruption of the coronavirus pandemic. Borders are being closed. National currencies are crashing. Airline flights are being cancelled between countries and regions, as well as domestic auto and rail connections. By and large, people have “fled” to quarantine and self-isolation. It’s too early to speak...

Nina Lebedeva

What’s Going on with Kim Jong-un?

Recently, we reported about the Politburo meeting of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea on 11 April 2020 and a modest celebration of the Day of the Sun. Since then Kim Jong-un has not been seen in public. He even skipped an annual visit to the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun on 15 April to mark the 108th anniversary since the birth of Kim Il-sung...

Konstantin Asmolov

How Threatening Iran Works for Trump

According to ‘System Survival Theory’, country leaders often postulate an external enemy to create powerful distractions to hide their incompetence and/or to stay in power and maintain their regime. Behind Trump’s recent, though not unusual, threat to Iran lies the same ‘system survival’ logic. Facing extreme pressure at home due to his administration’s extreme...

Salman Rafi Sheikh