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The COVID-19 Chronicles: China

With the US spiraling downward, a downward trajectory merely steepened by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19 outbreak, we'd expect other nations to suffer likewise. But China, where we are told the virus first appeared, has already bounced back. While it has significant damage to repair socioeconomically, it has not only overcome the initial outbreak...

Ulson Gunnar

What Led to the US Withdrawing Patriot Systems from Saudi Arabia?

Whereas the telephonic conversation between the US president and Saudi King Salman reportedly ‘reaffirmed strong ties’ between both countries, the oil crisis and the subsequent US decision to withdraw patriot batteries from Saudi Arabia, particularly those that were guarding Saudi oil facilities, indicate that there's a lot of geo-political activity...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Attacks Against China over SARS-COV-2 are Intensifying

Unfortunately, the author’s hopes that attempts to seek monetary compensation from China for its alleged role in the SARS-COV-2 pandemic would involve individuals rather than countries (and their nation-wide policies, first and foremost the United States, have been dashed. On 6 April, Lindsey Graham, an influential Republican senator, stated China needed...

Vladimir Terehov