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Wild Boars Continue to Spread ASF, but How did it Reach the Korean Peninsula?

Earlier, the author believed that South Korea deserved to be commended for its efforts in combating African swine fever (ASF within its borders, but the situation turned out to be more serious than previously thought. The following paragraphs provide an incomplete record of the growing number of dead wild boars found not...

Konstantin Asmolov

Rapid Escalation of Events in Libya

Events in Libya have escalated rapidly in recent days, accompanied by an information and propaganda war between the opposing sides. A written statement published on 21 May by Saqr Al-Jaroushi, commander of the Air Force of the Libyan National Army (LNA, hints at a dangerous escalation of the situation in the African country, stating that “the largest aerial...

Valery Kulikov

How the Middle Kingdom is Bringing Down the Greatest Empire

Americans need to stop equivocating and admit that China is in a payback situation vis a vis the Western world that abused it for centuries. As a geographic point of comparison, after bringing war to both Asia and the United States, the other major Pacific power, Japan benefitted from America’s determination to spread neo-liberal ‘democracy...

Deena Stryker