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Lifting of 2010 Sanctions? No, Just Another Pitiful Move from Seoul.

Several times, when writing about what President Moon Jae-in could have done to develop inter-Korean dialogue, this author has outlined that a real step, and not just a ceremonial one, would be the lifting of wide-ranging unilateral sanctions imposed on 24 May 2010 by Lee Myung-bak’s government after South Korea’s implication...

Konstantin Asmolov

In Syria, Washington Moves to Vietnam-Style “Scorched Earth” Policy

It is now clear, not only in the USA but also beyond its borders, that US efforts to quietly oust the Assad regime in Syria have failed. Washington’s original mission of “protecting the civilian population” in Syria quickly turned into “fighting terrorism,” but this, of course, primarily meant engagement with the very same jihadists from Daesh...

Vladimir Platov

Drawing Battlelines: US Openly Targets China's OBOR

Judging by US foreign policy - China is a massive global threat - and by some accounts - the "top" threat. But a threat to what? AFP would report in its article, "Trump nominee to lead intel community sees China as top threat," that: President Donald Trump's pick to lead the US intelligence community said Tuesday that he would focus on China as the country's greatest...

Tony Cartalucci