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US-China Relations: The Picture Remains Extremely Paradoxical

In general terms, relations between the world’s two leading powers, despite the strain in recent months (which, in the author’s view, is almost exclusively down to the intensifying political climate within the United States, now and then are illuminated by glimmers of positivity. This gives us cause to hope that the situation between both of the...

Vladimir Terehov

India Faces the Fait Accompli of Escalating Domestic and Foreign Challenges

For India, which has until recently shown one of the highest rates of economic growth, one of the key internal problems continues to be a lack of clarity on the potential for implementing the far-reaching program, announced by Prime Minster Narendra Modi on May 12, to qualitatively modernize...

Vladimir Terehov

Expectations vs. Reality of Globalization – Time to Reflect in Hard Times

I recently discovered Rock 'n Roll - a relatively unknown stage play from 2006 by Tom Stoppard, an intellectual playwright. Set in the period between 1968-1990, it addresses the struggle with communism waged by students in Eastern Europe. The play tells the story of brutal censorship in Stoppard's...

Henry Kamens