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In the Next Big Power Rivalry, Turkey Stands pro-US

As I pointed out in one of my previous pieces for NEO, a cardinal purpose that the US wants to achieve through bashing China and casting it as an inherent enemy is division of the world into blocs, creating a chain of ‘trusted partners’ and establishing a ‘network of economic prosperity’ under its own domination. Such a policy by the US...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

South Korea Trapped between China and US

Tensions between the United States and the PRC keep rising. In fact, the confrontation is starting to resemble a “new Cold War”. The relationship appears to have reached a turning point on May 20, 2020, when the White House delivered a report, “United States Strategic Approach to the People’s Republic of China”, to members of Congress. A substantial portion...

Konstantin Asmolov

The US-Russia-China Triangle’s Key Role in Global Politics

Even before the current US President Donald Trump took office, he was vocal about the vital issue of power balance within the US-Russia-China triangle for Washington. At that point, he was already making promises to wage a trade war on China and find common ground with Russia. As the French publication La Tribune rightly states, the expansion of China...

Vladimir Danilov