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Afghanistan: No End of Failure in Sight

As the recent events in Afghanistan and the actions of the United States show, resolving this conflict in the country is becoming more and more problematic in the coming years. Unfortunately, we have to admit that none of the powers trying to influence Afghanistan, including players within the country, currently have the capability to create peace in Afghanistan...

Vladimir Danilov

Did the US Really Play a Role in UAE-Israel Deal?

While there is little gainsaying that the UAE-Israel deal will have some important implications for the Middle East, the wide-spread perception that the US played a direct role in facilitating this breakthrough appears to be a complete misreading of the process that actually produced this deal. While the US did have its own peace plan, known as the ‘deal of the century’, the actual deal...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

No Sunny Weather on the Horizon for US-China Relations

NEO is constantly monitoring the timeline of events in deteriorating relations between the world’s two largest economic powers, yet one always hopes that there will be at least a little good news to tell readers about this time. Thus far, the bilateral trade agreement signed on January 15 this year remains almost the only glimmer of light that has trickled through...

Vladimir Terehov