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Will Trump Have Time to Reconcile Qatar with its Arab Neighbors?

Against the backdrop of Trump’s already recognizably disastrous policy along many foreign and domestic vectors, he has nevertheless been vigorously looking to leave “a significant mark in American history” as his legacy. One of the areas of focus for this activity has been reconciling certain Arab and Muslim countries with...

Vladimir Platov

Tajik Taliban Members Prepare to Carry Jihad Home

Recently, more and more often in various media reports one can find information about the increased terrorist threat to Tajikistan coming from Afghanistan. To objectively understand the emerging situation, it is necessary to recall that Afghanistan and Tajikistan have quite close relations, due to a largely common historical past, traditions, culture and religion, as well...

Vladimir Danilov

Why are Tel Aviv and Washington Inflaming the Situation in the Persian Gulf?

During the run-up to the anniversary of the insidious assassination of Iranian General Soleimani - and after one month had passed since the equally controversial massacre of leading nuclear physicist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh - Israel and the United States, which are ones responsible for this atrocity, are demonstratively increasing their military...

Vladimir Platov